The sharp decline in my love for football ⚽


Basic school was basically fun, as we played football both on the field and in class. We usually looked forward to break periods when we would choose teams to play. Our goal posts could range from stones or footwear to actual goal posts erected by the school management.

One other sport I engaged in while in basic school was relay racing. There were two trees that were some meters apart, close to the classrooms, and could barely contain three people at once. Whenever we did a sprint or relay race, whoever passed between the two trees first was almost certain to win the race. I can vividly remember the speed with which we ran back then.

High school seemed to have improved my sports activity as I found my niche as the number two player after the goalkeeper. I was the right-man defender for my team most of the time. I equally participated in sprint and relay races, even though I had colleagues who moved faster than me. A marathon race once organized by an inter-house sport made me realize my bones were not made for severe and enduring activities. I ended up supporting the girls of my sports house to win the marathon race when I almost broke down while trying to participate (please do not laugh; at least if I could not win the marathon for the males, I was a pillar of support for the girls).

My undergraduate days seemed to cut short the interest I had in sports generally, as passing examinations in medical school was top priority. I know other colleagues participated in sports, but I got carried away with other engagements, including school politics.


Wrestling is one major sport I love, especially the old-time wrestlers. My favorite wrestlers were Undertaker and Ultimate Warrior. There was a time when I would watch wrestling matches every single day of the month. I am still up for wrestling matches as an online spectator. Perhaps it is a sport I do not mind being present for physically.

It has been years since I played football, but I am one of those guys you would meet who does not watch football matches. This is typical for my other three older male siblings. It has been a herculean task for me to sit somewhere, especially a paid football house, to watch matches that may not fetch me money but rather spring up arguments about players that do not know I exist. Perhaps it was just my notion, but to date, it’s a no-no for football matches, either for virtual viewing or physical attendance.

Thank you for reading. I would love to have your comments and contributions.

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