A Letter To Nigeria || Happy Independence To You


Hello Nigeria, its your independence day once more or should I say your birthday?, as it should be, you are supposed to grow, to excel, to shine, to succeed. That was the initial agreement 60years ago, but tell me?, what have you become?, a laughing stock, you have allowed corruption, greed, selfishness, terrorism to take the best of you. Have you forgotten what you fought for years back?, you are blessed with so many resources like good lands for your crops, Bitumen, Oil and gas, Gold, Iron ore, Lead and zinc, Salt, Tin, Cocoa, Coffee, Cotton, Groundnut, Kola nut, Oil palm, Plantain, Rubber, Sugarcane, Timber. But tell me, what have you done with them?. You are just after oil alone, fighting and killing yourself because of oil. Why not put that same zeal you put in pursuing oil into other resources and check out if there wouldn't be an increase in your growth.

The people you call your leaders are even making matters worse, causing segregation among your people, looting your finances and putting you in an unending dept. How cruel and selfish are they. They talk about making things better and bringing change for good among your children but what did they end up doing?, causing more pain and hunger to your children, causing more joblessness because they fail to bring development your way. What wickedness, do you know that more people die everyday because they couldn't pay their hospital bill or because your hospitals lack basic facilities. It is your independence day, at least there should be a change for good but instead, the price of petrol and other commodities are sky rocking. It's so bad that you have identified with corruption, its a tag willingly choose to bear which is not supposed to be. Most times I wonder how can you be providing electricity for another country but you prefer blackout, its as if you enjoying suffering whereby you should be better than that. I write this to you with a broken heart, you have done wrong in so many areas, it will be difficult to retrace your steps but I wonder how can you change for the better?, that is a question I keep asking and hope to see a difference some day.

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