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So I was watching a documentary today on animals claiming territory...and the one that caught my attention was the fight between a black panther and a leopard fighting over territory.... Although the fight was a tough one but then the black panther won and without a second thought the leopard left...
This made me took interest in the black panthe, then I decided make more research to know more about "black panther the animal"and also to share here
A black panther is the melanistic colour variant of the leopard and the jaguar.Black panther of both species have excess black pigment.
Melanistic leopard and jaguar are uncommon.
The black panther is one of the most aggressive and feared animals of the world.The reason for this is because they are ten times stronger than any human is.
Black panther have good hearing, extremely good eyesight and a strong jaw.
The black panther is often called the "the ghost of the forest" it is a smart,stealth like attacker. It dark coat helps it hide and stalk prey very easily especially at night.
The black panther is a carnivore animal,they adapt well to the changes in the environment,they have no problems getting their food because they are expert hunters.
Black panthers can be found in dimly lit tropical rainforest of south and southeast asia,they can also be seen in some rocky areas and mountain ranges of africa.
Mating in black panthers can take place any any time of the years.During the mating period,the female panther makes a sawing sound to charm a male panther,then she will leave a scent marking so he can find where she is. After they have mated, he will go back to his territory while she raise the cubs on her own.
A female panther will be pregnant for about three months then give birth to a cub. The cubs eyes are blind and covered with gray fur for the first two weeks after birth.It is the responsibility of the mother to find a safe shelter and provide food for them...
The cubs will learn to hunt at two months old and will start to live on their own when they are one and half years old.
Both the panther and the leopard have the ability to roar, except that panthers are melanistic breeds of the jaguar. Leopard have yellow fur with rosettes scattered over thier fur while black panthers are black in colour with no rosettes...
Black panther and Leopard are of the same species just a difference in colour and the black panther are of the big cats while leopard on the other hand are the smallest of the four big cats....
Black panthers look daring from afar with a shinny dark colour.. They can live 12 to 15 years and are excellent swimmers....
This post wws drafted all because of my curiosity after watching the documentary I'm glad I'm sharing this here and i hope this post helps us understand more about black panther the animal..