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On the theme|| What Makes Me Happy||

They say happiness is free but realizing what makes you happy needs careful digging. A lot of things make me happy as I resolved to be positive about life, but what had remained is having the knowledge that I'm growing mentally, financially, spiritually, and physically. I hate the idea of dormancy, S. R. Ranganathan defined Library as a growing organism, and it's because of this ability to grow that's making information evolve. Humans are expected to grow, it doesn't matter the intensity of speed at which the process move, what's important is that there's growth at some point.

Growth, either physically or mentally makes me fulfilled. I have this philosophy of becoming better every day at anything, so whatever I do revolve around this idea. The music I listen to most times are inspiring ones, contained with details that will help me learn, the videos I watch also play the same role, and been stuck on hive and writing every day, all aim to growing at one aspect of my life. There's this inner peace I find, a quietness in my soul that I enjoy every moment I experience positive growth in my life, I dislike the idea of comfort that makes me stagnant.

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I'm an introvert, most times I prefer staying indoor to involving in outdoor activities. Although sometimes I allow myself to try something new, I don't get all the happiness that oozes from the events. This is where the aspect of music comes in, I am always happy saturated by an atmosphere of music for the fact that it makes me forget every one of my worries. Yes, music makes me happy too. When I'm sad probably by something that happened throughout the day or whenever I'm bored sitting alone, I charge up the atmosphere with music, and once again my spirit is relived.

Finally, as I said earlier, happiness is free and it's a choice, we choose to be happy no matter the circumstances as long as we find contentment in the little things around us. My number one joy giver is the tendency or prospect of growth. it keeps me positive all day and allows me to spread that joy to people around me. I felt fulfilled when I started to attain financial independence at some point. Music also plays its part when I'm bored but I rarely listen to music, so, my definition of happiness goes with self-development and self-empowerment.