My Dream Career// If...?

Maybe I got too engrossed with the teachings about purpose that I forgot to choose a career. As kids we sat under the moonlight chatting about what we wanted to be in life, it seems everyone knew exactly what they wanted as they boldly mentioned some of the lucrative jobs. I didn't grow up like every child, somehow it affected my desire to choose. I was okay with anything I became, especially if it was in a science field. But what If...

If you could be paid just enough, what job would you do that can make you satisfied with life?

Currently, becoming a programmer, front-end and back-end programmer. I started to love anything involving computers when I was in high school. I like to think and create, and make magic happen and I see the programming field to best fit this desire of mine. I have enrolled in a programming class and I'm having a job realizing how some strings of codes can execute certain commands in a high level language. I like to do what makes people wonder, the easy and straightforward stuff is not for me, I like the adventurous one. I could sit with a computer for a short time and be satisfied. Believe me, I would be more satisfied if I'm paid enough to just sit in front of a computer and keep creating a web from nothing. Unfortunately, I'm not a programmer yet, but I'm working toward it and I hope someday it would pay me just enough to sit before a computer and input strings of codes without having to work for a film but make money while I remain incognitive.


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If money wasn't an obstacle, what life would you have loved to live?

Many times I wished I had money, enough money that money wasn't a problem but I have never thought about the kind of life I would love to live. I'm an introvert who likes an isolated lifestyle, I don't like to be known, I just prefer being in my corner where no one truly knows my world. However, if money wasn't my problem, I would live a life as a philanthropist who keeps giving without being recognized. I believe a little is enough for me as long as I'm satisfied, there wouldn't be any need for me to keep accumulating wealth or living a life of luxury when people I pass everyday beg for just a little to survive everyday. I have this feeling that I was called forth to become a philanthropist, just a feeling and such a life would I choose to live if I have enough money.

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