If I could be anyone...

I'm not the fan base kind of person, I respect personalities but I have never considered one as a model. However, my curiosity had made me wonder what it feels like to be certain people, for me their level of intelligence. If I could be anyone else, I would be BillGate, not because of his riches but his level of intelligence, believed to be someone who did not graduate from high school. Like, how was he able to discover Microsoft? How did he manipulate to make softwares and produce computers? To me this is one of the greatest achievements in technology ever made and by Someone who was never a graduate


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I know just a little about his personality and I haven't read thoroughly about his biography but there are certain things I like about him. One of the things I like about him is that he uses Most of his finances in sponsoring foundations that are aimed at improving health, eradicating certain disease outbreak, and provision of free medical healthcare and the fact that he isn't so loud on the internet makes me like his personality, I like my privacy and to remain anonymous while people just feel the effect of my work.

One thing I have always desired since I was a little boy was to understand how technology works. I join wires together and sometimes coil them around a magic, then expose it to an electric current to see its effects. Other times I try some random things to know the result but never get something tangible. Imagine being in his position with all the intelligence of building softwares, that's like a dream come true for me. I want to be able to make something out of what seems like nothing and help the needy. Making technological devices and giving out to the poor and needy are my goals and I see the dream coming true with a personality like BillGate.

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