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A day in my life: Life of a young farmer

I wake up each day and do a random routine, sometimes I choose to allow myself rest but not for Sundays. My Sundays seem programmed and almost unaltered by any other events, probably that's because the day is meant for rest and visit to catch up with friends or family.

Each Sunday, I set a goal of whatever I wish to achieve before the week runs out. That set goal determined how the days of my week is spend. For the pass few months, my goal has revolved around cultivating, and managing my farm and farm produce. Each day I set aside 6-7 hours to work on my or our farm land , after which I take some rest for the day. Until lately when the crops look matured did I started giving lesser time to farming and reinvested that energy in helping my brother out with his job of designing and creating windows.

I could say I don't really have a normal day , carrying out same activities as at now. My day is spent either solving an operational plan or a tactic plan or sometimes answering to emergencies that arises each day. What seemed more like a routine at some point was blogging. I gave much time and energy to it until I realised I was weary and needed some rest to regain energy to help me stand.