Hive Naija/ Dreemport- Week 3!

For our final week of #speekpeece, we have one final assignment for our challenge.

Of course, if you still want to use the daily task reports, they are totally available to you and will remain available to you after this week also. Anyone who wants to reach out and share anonymously there, can do so. Anyone who wants to share and talk in the #speekpeece room, we will keep that available also.

This challenge has been a very different and difficult challenge for many. Some simply couldn't participate because they felt it was asking too much of them emotionally. Some were too intimidated about how to begin this journey. Some simply didn't have the time to commit. I think even some didn't see the point or want to open themselves up to this.

All of these things are fine. ❤️ It was here for those who were ready. In an unstable and uncertain environment, peace is one of the things we miss the most. Often, we things it's far beyond our grasp and we will it into being impossible to attain.

But is it?

How often do we set ourselves up for its loss and maintain its distance simply because we are the one walking from it, pushing it away, and then reminding the world how it's abandoned us - when we are we are perhaps the one that's abandoned it.

So...for our final challenge for our Hive Naija DreemPort collaboration, here is our topic.

You are about 2 miles from your home. You've gotten to finish work a bit early today and you're excited to get home to relax before going out with family and friends for a special dinner. You're thinking of your good fortune that you're able to get home before the traffic starts to get bad. You begin imagining what you'll eat tonight...what you'll wear (ugh- you really need new clothes. The ones you have aren't fashionable enough)... if you'll have enough money to get that special dessert you love. Money is always so tight, you're not sure if you should spend the money on something so frivolous since you didn't get that promotion. You can't believe you were looked over - again- when you have deserved that promotion for two years now. Before your mood turns, - you start to smile thinking of the funny conversations that your best friend will initiate tonight....they can always get you laughing, no matter what!

You start to get lost in your thoughts, and step outside the office, headed to your transportation home and the unthinkable happens. Out of the blue, a massive earthquake hits. At first, you think...this can't be an earthquake! You've never actually felt one but the world is moving like waves in an ocean, car alarms are going off, people are screaming and grasping at anything to cling to, but everything is moving and no one can help anyone else. It is all they can do to survive this disaster. Things are falling all around, exploding, catching fire. The ground is opening up in massive, hungry chasms and you watch helpless as people are desperate to not fall in. You close your eyes before you see an older woman loss her grip and fall headlong into the earth.

The earthquake lasts for 45 seconds and it feels like an eternity. You can only think of holding your family and friends, being assured that all are well. When the quake ends, you look around and assess what you see. It looks like nuclear war has hit. There is devastation everywhere - EVERYWHERE. It is worse than you could have imagined. Your ears are ringing, but you can see people's mouths open in screams. You want to help but you need to get home. You need to see and touch the people you love.

You're in shock, you can barely feel the cuts and gashes all over your body. You're running as fast as you can through obstacles and over hurdles to reach your home.

You finally arrive and it's even worse here. You scream the names of your loved ones, even your pets... refusing to give up hope. Everyone is screaming names out around you will anyone hear that you're here, ready to help, ready to cry, ready to be relieved, ready to hug? Then you hear your name. and you know that turn around ready to fall to your knees in thanks and scramble over to them....and start reuniting your family.

"Isn't this your stop?" someone besides you nudges you.

"My stop???" you gasp as if you're breathing air after being submerged in water for way too long.

"Yeah" she smiles. "...this is your stop, isn't it?" She points ahead at the cross section before your house. "You were sleeping pretty hard and I didn't want you wake up tomorrow morning!" She laughs. Everything is normal. There was no earthquake, no devastation. You fell asleep on the way home and you still have all the normal "problems" in your world to consider.... what to wear, who got the promotion, if you'll get dessert tonight.. It all seems so trivial now. That dream was so real, you felt every emotion. The horror and fear of losing everyone that you love is still fresh in your mind.

You smile at her, and shake your head, trying to cast off the effects . Life should go right back to normal now! Thank God it was just a horrible nightmare!!

But it hits you .. should life go right back to normal?

What if that HAD been real? How would life change forevermore? Now that it's not, should you still be changed?

I had this dream this week. The setting was slightly changed, but the horror was the same. I found all my loved ones and saw they were alive and was just about to hug them when I woke, relieved.

Now is your assignment:

What happens next?

Truly. Don't make a nice little story about how we all get a happily ever after. Think about it. What comes next? If you have the power to change anything right now (and you do) what EXACTLY do you change? If you can implement that change NOW to make a difference, what WILL you do?

Would it take an actual earthquake/natural disaster and life-and-death scenario to make you take stock of LIFE and peace and how much is actually in your control?

Think about how you would effectively start creating peace:

  • in your mind
  • in your household
  • in your neighborhood
  • in your city
  • in your region
  • in your country
  • across the world

Your post can be as simple or as complex as you like. This whole challenge has been for you, defined by you and available to you. What you do with this final post is still up to you. Hope you've learned along the way, hope you have been stretched and hope you have been changed in tiny ways that will continue to leave its mark on your life long after this challenge ends on Friday.

Don't forget - if you use the @ecency platform to publish your post, you will be eligible for points to boost your own post - or someone else's! :) Gotta love those Ecency points!!!

The post is due by this Friday, by 5pm PST on the DreemPort site. If you need help using DreemPort, 👉HERE IS YOUR BEST HELP!👈

so much love for you
❤️, Dreemie

Thanks to @shadowspub, @bluefinstudios, @kenechukwu97, @kemmyb, @jamerussell, @mypathtofire, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971 and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

All images were used from sources that allow their beautiful work to be displayed on commercial blogs. They do not require attribution, but I do so willingly so allow my readers to know that I write and blog with integrity ❤️ Also, their work is beautiful! Just because they don't ask for acknowledgement, doesn't mean I shouldn't give it! Thank you photographers!

Images Used:
Finish by Bulat Silvia
Heading Home by track5
Disaster by ractapopulous
Relief by Cesar Okada

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