My school experience

This week contest has really got me, so I'll be sharing with you my high school experience and how it has helped me.

So I went to a community school were you have different set of human beings, I was the smallest in my class (8 and half), because I was small, other class mate of mine tend to oppress me. One day I sat and thought of how I could overcome this.

So I started behaving like someone that is very matured, i don't talk to you in class, I don't play, hardly before I walk with someone. I commanded respect to myself. And this has helped me today people think I'm big because of NY way of life, even the elder people respect me that sometimes I don't Even understand.

Another experience I had was dancing....I started dancing when I was in secondary school, not everyone was allowed to join the cultural group,but because of my kind of person I was allowed. Today I make money with it I go around teaching young cultural dance and also perform in places.

My High school experience made me who I am today.


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