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Hey lovelies ❤️
It's your favorite girl @debbie-ese 😍
Welcome to my blog 🤗
In Nigeria, we have so many soups that we eat and the way it is prepared differs from culture to culture but one unifying ingredient is the leaves (vegetables) we make use of.

Most of our Nigerian soups like egusi, oha, efo riro, afang, edikakong, ewedu, ogbono are prepared with vegetables such as spinach, water leaf, bitter leaf, pumpkin (ugu), oha leaf, okazi leaf, soko leaf and so on.

The vegetables are always in abundance all through the year in various markets across the country. However, people that live in areas where they can plant the vegetables in their compounds do not need to go to the market to buy. This is some sort of subsistence farming - farming for the consumption of the family only.

One thing that makes these vegetables a necessary component of our diets is the effect it has on the body. Vegetables make it easy for the bowels to be free and you hear people talk about going to the toilet plenty times after the have eaten vegetables.

I visited the market to purchase some ugu leaves that I will use in preparing ogbono soup. Ugu leaf is highly medicinal and healthy. The market women would ask if you want them to cut your leaves for you or you want to go and do that yourself at home. Personally, I prefer when they cut it for me, it reduces my work when I get home.

Thank you for your time lovelies.
The post is originally written by me 💕@debbie-ese💕

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