More time?


Photo by Jon Tyson from Unsplash

Time, One of the constructs of man that governs a large part of our lives. Time is always moving, racing, waiting for no one. 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, 365 days in a year, always constant, never changing (except leap years).

What would you do if you had more than 24 hours in a day


If there's anyone who feels they need more hours in a day it's definitely me. Everyday It always seems as though time is moving too fast. When I was younger an hour or two seemed a long time, but now In the blink of an eye it's gone. I have always thought about how it would feel to add extra hours to a day, probably to merge two days such that we have 48 hrs in a day (I wouldn't mind being half my current age). I am thinking I will have almost 24 hours to work, then have the next 24 hours to do whatever I want.


How will this come about anyway? Probably something will happen in space and the earth will start rotating slower than usual, then we'll have to adjust our time system so it matches the earth's new rotation speed, and then we have more hours in a day. Or for whatever reason all the world powers will come to their senses and decide to agree that a day will now be calculated as 48 hours. I don't see any of those happening, but it's always fun to play around with the possibilities.


What will a 48 hour day look like? With this much time in a day, and assuming everything goes right (work time stays the same), I could go to work, come back and rest well, do whatever I want when I'm full of energy (Probably go out with friends), then spend some quality time on hive (reading and commenting). After which I'll sit down to write a post (if you know me, you'll know how much time I spend before getting to do this). I can then go out for a second job (I'll get one because there's more time). And after that get some quality rest time before the next day begins. It'll be better as I'll have more work time and more play time.


But as with all things there's always bound to be flaws. Probably as time passes it'll become the new normal, and then after a while we'll have people complain it's not enough. Or because there's more time, work times will double, Imagine working an 18 hour shift everyday. That's definitely hell.

In the end these are just random thoughts and may never happen. We just have to properly manage the time we have now which is 24 hours. Thanks for reading, have a wonderful day.


This is my entry to the hivenaija weekly prompt

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