“The River of Stars Part 17 星の川 パート17” Translation and Cut Paper Art 翻訳と切り絵


“The River of Stars Part 17"

I love this background because I drew this lake using as a model, a lake on Mt. Soranuma in Hokkaido, Japan. The lake picture at the bottom is summer but after this season, it becomes like the background painting. The reflection of trees is gorgeous. The cold autumn air makes red, orange, and yellow colors appear more clearly day by day. I made tiny mushrooms cut paper art for this scene. Mushrooms are also very colorful in autumn.

Therion from this story noticed the rifle sound which he realized was a bad sign for Kekouani's children. I feel the rifle sound through this quiet autumn lake painting. Do you hear what I hear?

"星の川 パート17”



The Lake on Mt. Soranuma in Hokkaido, Japan 北海道空沼岳の湖

Here is my previous post “The River of Stars Part 16" "前回の星の川 パート16”はコチラ:

My Site: My Site: https://koto-art.wixsite.com/mysite-1

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