RE: UPDATE No Permission Required - No Criminal Charges For "Driving While License Suspended"

I know this won't be popular opinion but I do think people should be regulated on government roads if they are driving a motor vehicle as well as they should have to have insurance. If someone hits another person and takes out part of a family, someone's dad, whatever, I want that person to be able to be brought to justice. Obviously this isn't a black and white subject but I believe that what you do on your property to yourself is your business but when you are using public roadways, etc then there needs to be accountability.

We have a lot of people here that don't want to pay taxes, fees, etc... The fact is that they want to use everything that is offered to them, earn a good living from their job but then try everything possible to get out of paying taxes because they think it should be illegal for anyone to try and collect them.

That's fine if you are living in a cabin in the woods and being self sufficient or in a community of people who have decided to work together and break free from the modern world but if you are utilizing things that are paid for by "society" you should have to chip in for that.

Totally digressing from the initial point. Sorry about that. I just live in a pretty grassroots area and see all kinds of people trying to buck the system. Not in a constructive way.

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