Food Sharing #197 - Double Take Cafe @ Toronto, Australia | Travelgirl 美食推介 - Double Take Cafe

Hi Everyone/ 大家好,

During our visit at Toronto in NSW around 90 minutes away from Sydney, we tried a cafe called Double Take Cafe found on the main strip of shops at Toronto. It was super hot yesterday at nearly 40 degrees but we still sat outside as it was bearable heat and we were under umbrella so it wasn’t too bad until an hour in. It was a popular cafe so we were lucky to get a seat for the 12 of us. We were very hungry but wanting to have some cold drinks instead so we weren’t expecting to stay for too long.

今次去 Toronto 期間去試一間咖啡點叫 Double Take. 在 Toronto 市大街上我們好容易就找到. 昨天天氣好熱但裡面沒有位置就坐在外面,當時的溫度不是太熱所以可以接受. 我們最主要是叫飲品所以好快就可以回家涼冷氣哈哈. 雖然我們不是太餓但都叫了一點食物.

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Let’s have a look at the menu. Lots of choices but we were hungry but still ordered something small for the kids to share. We ordered two ice chocolate for the kids, an ice coffee, mango & coconut smoothie, a big breakfast and a poppy seed cake.

先看看他們的餐牌. 我們叫了兩杯冰巧克力,冷咖啡,一杯冷芒果椰子冰奶,一份大早餐和一個蛋糕. 我們四個剛剛好吃玩. 份量很大而且我們不是太餓.

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Drinks came first and the kids had their drinks straight way. That cool drink did the job. Then the big breakfast came! Yummooo it was enough for me and the two kids to share. It was huge! Not to say the taste was so good we ate everything. Cake came very shortly but I think it wasn’t as good as the big breakfast, maybe it wasn’t sweet enough. Great friendly service and I highly recommend to check it out if you are visiting this area.

飲品先來,兩個小朋友都好開心自己有一杯慢慢喝. 大家的飲品都夠冷, 天氣熱食最重的. 我們的大早餐好大份,什麼都有夠我跟兩小朋友吃. 味道好,種類多. 最後就是我們叫的蛋糕. 覺得不是好甜所以不是好受歡迎. Double Take 的服務好所以如果你去澳洲的 Toronto 就要去試試.






animation by @catwomanteresa

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