Baby M’s Creative Side | BB M 創意無限

Hi Everyone/ 大家好,

I realised that Baby M has got an artist side of him. He is a cheeky little man and I have noticed that he loves change the words to some of the songs we normally sing and it actually make sense! He has always been pretty good with colours and art but recently have shown a lot through his works at daycare.

BB M 從細到大都覺得有一點藝術觸覺. 他有一點調皮但最近發覺他喜歡改編一些平常唱的兒歌. 新歌詞唱起來好順口, 好好笑. 除了唱歌他對顏色和一些手藝都比較有興趣而最近透過學校可以見到他一些新想法.


The recently helicopter he made this week is one of the best ones yet since he returned back to daycare after COVID19. Daycare loves to use boxes of food and toilet rolls etc for the kids to make some cool stuff and I can’t believe he made this below. Made with a biscuit box, some toilet paper roll and some furry twine, he made a simple helicopter with no glue! He even gut around the edges of the box to make it look different, he said these will make the helicopter fly faster? Interesting concept I would say.

今個星期帶回家這部直升機是近期疫情過後比較最有創意的作品. 學校比較喜歡用一些廁所卷,紙盒等等的材料讓小朋友做不同的東西. 我見到他有少少藝術天份用一個紙盒,廁所卷,鐵絲而不用膠水就可以做出這架直升機我覺得好有創意. 我發現周邊他有剪了一些地方,BB M 說因為希望透過這個動作可以讓直升機飛得快一些.



The second thing he made was this yoyo. At daycare they would learn some letters so I presume they made something that was part of letter of the week. The two sides were coloured with different colours and the middle the teacher helped them with gluing the toilet paper roll and string to it. He was super proud of his work. I actually enjoy the kids brining their finished products from school, shows how they enjoyed the activity but also allow me to see how they think with the materials given to them on the day.

另外一樣就是做了一個搖搖. 搖搖的兩邊他用不同顏色完成之後老師幫他用膠水將廁所卷貼在中間再加上一條繩就完成. 其實我很喜歡小朋友拿回家這些東西因為可以透過呢一些活動可以看見他對有限材料的情況下可以動動腦筋讓他們發揮一些沒有發掘到的才能.




animation by @catwomanteresa

Travelgirl pic.jpeg

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