魔術僧不是老師嗎? 怎麼專門寫電腦遊戲文章? Isn't Magic Monk a teacher? Why's he posting about games?


I remember when I was in my last year of high school, I didn't get the top university entrance score. My excuse was that I played too much computer games. There was Final Fantasy 8, Diablo 2 and so on. Because of playing these games, I didn't study enough, so my scores were not good enough to study medicine.



Suddenly 22 years have gone past, and I have become a teacher for 17 years. Playing games has stayed a hobby of mine, but only as a hobby. In school sometimes I would talk to students about games, but we all saw it as a leisure activity. Something students would do to relieve stress after finishing their English, Math or Science homework.



Times have changed. eSport has become a degree you can study at university. Usually when a subject is offered at university, slowly it will be taught in high schools too. As the eLearning head of department at my school, my most current project is to introduce eSport at our school.


你可能會問,那是不是學生上課就打遊戲就好了? 這樣還叫上課嗎? 你可以把電子競技課當成體育課。體育課就是打籃球而已嗎? 當然不是。除了懂籃球的規則,還要學怎麼鍛鍊身體,跑快一點,跳高一點,怎麼拍球,投球,打比賽的戰術,如何跟隊友合作,溝通,如何當裁判,也可以聊到數學,在不同區域投進球的機率,等等。電子競技也是,不是只是玩遊戲,會學到很多其他的東西。

You might ask, wouldn't students just be playing games all lesson? How can you call that a subject? You can compare a eSport class to a Health and Physical Education (HPE) class. Will students just play basketball in HPE? Of course not. They have to learn about the rules of basketball. They will learn how to train their body to jump higher or run faster. They will learn the skills involved in playing basketball, such as how to dribble, how to shoot. They will learn the strategy involved in playing a game, which can become a maths lesson, where they learn about shooting percentages from different areas of the court. eSport is the same, you won't just be playing games.


先不聊了,我要在我的辦公室裡打開這個Nintendo Switch。我現在比誰都更想上學!

Enough talking, now I'm going to unbox a Nintendo Switch in my office. I am enjoying school more than anyone else right now!

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