Midjourney 提示词技巧 / ai #27


Midjourney prompt


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/imagine prompt

/imagine url prompt parameters //可以使用图片作为关键词
eg: https://s.mj.run/4t043-II22c subway station


/imagine prompt 生成图像
/blend 组合,如对两张图片的组合
/info 用户信息
/settings 设置
/describe 从图片生成提示词(逆向工程)
/subscribe 管理订阅


主体 + 视角 + 距离 + 情绪 + 细节 + 光线 + 风格 + 参数
eg: character of monkey in style of nothing see nothing hear nothing speak wearingheadphones listening rap, citylights background, Hyper detailed, hyper realistic, 8k, --ar 9:16 --s 950
猴子的角色,什么都看不见,什么都听不见,戴着耳机听说唱,城市灯光背景,超细节,超逼真,8k-v 5.1-ar 9:16-s 950

eg: A spaceship surrounded by a swarm of small red craft, foggy, top-lit, strongly reflective, wide-angle, ultra-high-definition detail, concept art


--ar(aspect) 图片的宽高比,eg: --ar 16:9 --ar 5:4
--q (quality) 0.25-5 质量参数,默认为1, 越大质量越高
--s(stylize) 100-1000, 图像的艺术化程度化,默认为100
--c(chaos) 0-100 默认为0, 初始图像的差异化
--v(version) 版本号,在settings中设置了就无需再设置
--seed 连续人物,引用特定画作
查找种子值: 添加反应, 咖啡杯, 上方输入env,点击信封
--niji 动漫模式
--iw 0-2 参考原图的权重
--no 要去除的因素,比如 --no white 画面中没有白色
--stop 0-100 在哪个位置时停止出图
--panels 连续动作
--tile 可重复拼帖的图像


  1. 先生成一个酷炫的背景, abstract tron legacy light rays
  2. 然后图片+主体,https://s.mj.run/Yft37s2rrN0 cyberpunk adorable kitten


1.Sticker Design --- 贴纸风格 eg: sticker design of cute girl
Graphic Design of robot and flowers
Graphic Design, A phone is rising, surrounded by lights and flowers
Industrial Design, Hard edge style phone
Graphic Logo Design,Star-shaped, Simple, line construction
2.“A物体”As“B人物” --- 角色替换 eg: elon mask as a commander
3.Symmetrical,flat icon design --- 简洁,对称LOGO设计 eg: lemon, Symmetrical,flat icon design
4.Game sheet of --- 游戏装备列表 eg: game sheet of gens
5.Knolling --- 将相关联的物品以平行或是 90 度排放的组织方式 eg: knolling tool set, knolling tool fruits
6.8-bit, 16-bit --- 怀旧游戏,像素风 eg: 8-bit game pixel art, star war
7._ out of [material ] --- 被材质覆盖的物体 eg: castle out of flowers
8.Layered Paper --- 折纸艺术画风 eg: layered paper sea wave
9.Isometric art --- 等轴艺术画风 eg: Isometric tower
10.Blacklight --- 黑暗灯光特效 eg: blacklight bridge
11.Naïve art --- 纯朴艺术画风 eg: naive art ant
12.Mascot Logo --- 吉祥物设计
eg: Mascot Logo carribage
A Yuezhou kiln, Mascot Logo
13.T-shirt vector --- 服装设计 eg: T-shirt vector dogs and flowers
14.Pattern --- 图案设计
eg: chinese native pattern
A Yuezhou kiln dish designed with Chinese cloud abstract patterns
A Yuezhou kiln dish designed with fish abstract patterns
15.Tattoo --- 纹身设计 eg: rose tatton design
16.Interior Design,architecture --- 建筑设计 eg: Interior Design, a warm chinese house
17.Photorealistic --- 照片级真实设计 eg: a red car in forest, Photorealistic
18.Stained glass window --- 被物体覆盖的窗户 eg: flower Stained glass window
19.Blender 3D --- 3D效果 eg: a wood horse Blender 3D
20.Explode_____by Nychos -- 爆炸性街头艺术 eg: Explode planet by Nychos
21.logo for __
Logo design for a copany called H.M modern design
Design a logo for travel agency, in the style of paul rand
Piza, symmertical flat icon design
Yuezhou kiln, simple, as a logo
22.Long Exposure 长时间曝光
23.POV (point of view)第一人称视角
24.Elegant, 5000s
eg: a beautiful girl, Elegant, 5000s,front view --ar 16:9
25.Art Nouveau 新艺术 Rococo洛可可


|:: 分割关键词,例如: hot | dog, hot:: dog
它会接受为是两个关键词,而不是理解来一个词"hot dog" .

hot::2 dog
shopping mall::12 by teamlab::30


/prefer remix 或 /settings Remix 打开或关闭


style of __
宫崎骏(日语:宮﨑 駿/みやざき はやお Miyazaki Hayao
村上隆(日语 村上 隆 平假名 むらかみ たかし 罗马字 Murakami Takashi
草间弥生(Yayoi Kusama)
A kite flying in the sky, a boy and a girl chasing on the ground, a lot of
flowers on the grass, low shrubs,style of Yayoi Kusama
A few shrimps chased by a crab,ink painting style of Murakami Takashi
A few shrimps chased by a crab:: picasso::1.4
A few shrimps chased by a crab, Painted By Andre Masson



portrait of an indian village woman in forest in Himachal pradesh, clear facial features, Cinematic, 35mm lens, f/1.8, accent lighting, global illumination --uplight

portrait of an peking girl, clear facial features, Cinematic, 35mm lens, f/1.8, accent lighting, global illumination --uplight 


  1. 双重曝光: double exposure
    eg: a beautiful girl and flowers, double exposure
  2. 电影级灯光: cinematic lighting
  3. 黑暗灯光: dark moody lighting
    eg: blacklight bridge, dark moody lighting
  4. 童话灯光: fairy light
  5. 全息摄影: Holography
  6. Rembrandt light 伦勃朗光
  7. mood lighting 情绪照明
  8. Soft illuminaotion/ soft lights 柔和的照明/柔光


Aerial view 鸟瞰图
andala 曼茶罗构图
ultrawide shot 超广角
extreme closeup 极端特写
macroshot 微距拍摄
an expansive view of 广阔的视野
busts 半身像
profile 侧面
symmetrical body 对称的身体
symmetrical face 对称的脸
wide view 广角
bird view 俯 视/鸟瞰
up view 俯视图
front view 正视图
symmetrical 对称
Center the composition 居中构图
symmetrical the composition 对称构图


  1. 字符风格: ASCII art
    eg: ASCII art, a girl face ,front view
  2. 拼接艺术: collage art
  3. 欧普艺术(视幻艺术): Op art
    eg:a beautiful girl face, Op art
  4. 怀旧风格:synthwave
    eg: a beautiful woman, Smiling, front view, synthwave
  5. 80年代风格: Retrowave eg: a beautiful woman, Smiling, Retrowave
  6. 水彩画风格: Watercolor sketch of a boy
    eg: Watercolor sketch of peking street
  7. 橡皮泥风格: Plasticine
    eg:Plasticine of a cat
  8. 引用灵感: inspired
  9. 拟人化: Anthropomorphize
  10. 景泰蓝: Cloisonnism
    eg:Cloisonnism style porcelain of a bottle
    Yuezhou Kiln of a bottle
  11. 仙女风: Fairy Kei fashion
    eg: a beautiful girl in red, Fairy Kei fashion
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