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Textures: Food 1 | 质地:食物篇1


Qurator's Photo Quest for this week is Textures. It's a fun theme with a plethora of possibilities. Years ago I posted photos of textures from nature in other photo contests, and there are many other interesting textures such as in architecture, furniture, fabrics, etc.

This time I'll start with food textures. Soft or hard, smooth or grainy, chewy or crunchy... the food in my photos below is from different corners of the world, providing vital sources for our life. Some of them were shot at home, others were from markets or roadside stands.

看到主题为“质地”的摄影活动,觉得很有意思,也有点犯难,因为关于质地的照片太多了,不知道选哪张好。前几年发过大自然题材的,比如树叶、沙漠、水流等,也有建筑、家具、布料等等其他众多选择。想想民以食为天,还是上些吃的吧。这次就让我先来发一组比较常见的作物,还有很多比如主菜、甜点、饮料之类,以后有空整理了再来分享。质地有硬有软,或光滑或粗糙,或松脆或耐嚼…… 这些食物来自世界各地,有些是家里拍的,有些是在菜市场或路边摊看到的。

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica