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Sunkissed Store | 暖

Marrakesh is known for its red terracotta buildings over the town and its hot semi-arid climate. The lovely store I'm showing you today was blessed by both the salmon pink walls and the ample sunshine.

Here you can see the marriage of Moroccan products and French influence, and I love all the framed photography works in the store. Local people, animals, streets and architecture are beautifully depicted, just like paintings on the easels.

马拉喀什是有名的赭红之城,气候干旱、日照充足,从我拍下的这家小店就可见一斑,粉粉的墙,暖暖的阳光,满满的北非风情。店里卖的大都是摩洛哥特产,同时法国文化影响的痕迹也很明显。喜欢那些摆放在画架上的摄影,远远看去还真像一幅幅描绘在地风土人情的画作。点了橙汁,还贴心地给我放上薄荷叶。到摩洛哥记得要尝尝街头随处可见的甜橙汁和薄荷茶。都很甜,前者是天生的,后者来自疯狂加糖的阿拉伯习惯 :D。

All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica