📷Living with COVID-19 Day 5 20210926 | 与新冠共度第 5 天20210926 😎(by @ace108)

On day 5, I still could not smell much of morning coffee. Could taste it better though. I have my usual slice off bread with some more lozenges for the sore throat.

在第 5 天,我仍然闻不到早上的咖啡味。不过味道有一点感觉。我吃了通常的一片面包和一些治疗喉咙痛的含片。

🎶Meanwhile, some music for you to enjoy as you read. This piece is part of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, particularly the first of the 4 violin concertos, called Spring.

🎶让大家继续读的时候,欣赏一点音乐。这件作品是维瓦尔第的“四季”的一部分 - 4小提琴协奏曲中的第一首,名为“春天”。

Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/


Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/music/2213/antonio-vivaldi/the-four-seasons/

My wife had made some improvement to the way to deliver things to me. She had a stool to prop things up so we don't have to bend down. She was quite upset she kept getting 2 SMSes saying she did not submit her ART test result. I suspect it had to do with her get 2 quarantine order SMSes at different time before. She called quarantine order hotline and scolded some people.

太太给我送东西的方式上做了一些改进。她放一个凳子可以支撑东西,所以我们不必弯腰。她很不高兴因为她收到 2 条短信,说她没有提交 ART 测试结果。我怀疑这与她之前在不同时间收到 2 条隔离令短信有关。她拨给隔离中心热线,痛骂了一个人。

The oximeter reading looked normal and temperature still hadn't gone into fever. Some stupid doctor assigned by MOH to help clear the people for Home Recovery Programme called. He said was to triage for MOH but I must still wait for official SMS from MOH.

Later in the afternoon, I was bored enough to start practising taiji. That was a story I shared before. How I recorded the session was with the help of this laptop table. It had a slot one side where I could slot in my phone and did the recording from there.

My wife was looking to order something from the supermarket to send to her parents. I was just lazing around. NBTD.

My wife ordered fish porride for me for lunch.

She gave me a ginger tea for tea time.

She made the plain porridge with cheese and pork floss again for dinner. Still no call nor SMS from MOH. She tried calling the HR Buddy hotline and the line just cut off at 9pm. Yet another da without officer from MOH contact or any SMS from them. No more medical leave on Monday. I though my wife to delivery my office laptop on Monday. Looks like I have to work.
晚餐时,她又做了奶酪和猪肉松白粥。仍然没有来自卫生部的电话或短信。她尝试拨打 HR Buddy 热线,但该热线在晚上 9 点被切断。又一个没有来自卫生部官方消息的一天。星期一就没病假咯。我跟太太说在星期一交给我办公室笔记本电脑。看来得开始工作咯。

One of the strange news that came out that day was if you test positive on a COVID-19 ART test kit and have no symptom, you need to self-isolate and home and take another test 72 hours later. If that test is negative, you may resume normal activities. If positive, continue to self-isolate and repeat ART test at least one day apart and resume normal activities when negative. Hmm, that means such cases do not go into the system and never get counted.
那天传出的一个奇怪消息是,如果您在新冠 ART 检测试器上检测呈阳性并且没有任何症状,您需要在家自我隔离,并在 72 小时后再次进行检测。如果该测试为阴性,您可以恢复正常活动。如果阳性,继续自我隔离并至少间隔一天在做ART 测试,阴性时恢复正常活动。嗯,在这种情况病例不会进入系统,永远不会被计算在内。


Please see my other posts: @ace108

请看我其他帖: @ace108

I See👀.  Shoot📷. I Blog it👆😎

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