ALL PeakMonsters features have you used?

The question is... what are features you have used in the last 1-2 months.

Choose ALL features that apply.
Polls have been upgraded to allow users to select multiple options.

This is kind of a way for to indicate all the features we've created over the years.

Bonus: Comment on post and we'll vote on it as a way to say thanks.


ALL PeakMonsters features have you used?
You may select 1 choices
List card for sale
Buy a card/land/asset
List a card to rent out
Rent a card to play with
List SPS to rent out
Rent SPS to play with
Combine cards
Burn cards
Look at card stats
Vote for proposals
Vote for treasurer
Look at Richlist page
Use Decks page
Harvest land resources
Set up / manage land
Bid for cards/assets
View pack stats
Look at value of collection
3 columns
2 columns
1 column