The Buna Clubhouse. Schkopau. April 22

So just exactly where are we please?

We are on the outskirts of a small town called Schkopau, in the former DDR. the site of the former Buna Werke chemical company, which was buit in 1936. Well not the chemical works but the former House of Friendship"


I can say its huge, a massive building


It was constructed in 1953 for the use of the 20k workforce of the Buna, chemical works, it offered a theatre seating 250 people and a 750 seater concert hall on the upper floor. Both the Moscow Bolshoi Theatre and the Royal Swedish Ballet troupe have appeared

The clubhouse was expanded in the mid '50's with the addition of a 200 seat restaurant. there were also circa 100 rooms built for all manner of use for festivities and social groups.





It proved quite difficult to actually get inside, but, never say never!








Socialist philosophy decreed that workers and visitors alike should embrace art and culture and become creators themselves.




Good to see that philosophy still remains today





After reunification, in 1989 the clubhouse was no longer used and it was closed. It stood empty until 2002 when an investor was found who wanted to convert the premises to a discotheque( yes folks back in the day night clubs were so called), the "X50".



The project would cost several million euros. Half of which would be provided by the State/EU. With a promise from the entrepreneur that there would be premier concerts, which along with said Disco area attract several hundred thousand visitors annually create up to 50 new jobs.



"stepping on the ceiling is forbidden life-threatening"

Unless of course you are Peter Parker's alter ego.


Apart from minor internal bash about to some bits not a lot happened. No renovation, no grand opening. No Disco, concerts et al at "X50"




Fraud, embezzlement and bankruptcy, a web of deceit and lies, by 2008 just under 13 million euros had disappeared into this project.


Flown out of the window?



Cue failed court cases and foreclosures to recover the money. So it stands awaiting sale to a new investor, it was mooted in 2014 that a consortium wanted to demolish to build a business park, but as yet...............

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