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Horsing around in Estonia, June 2021. Sooniste manor.

Another country road, but I must say, one topped with tarmacadam, perfect for a controlled skiddy stop!

Down boy!

Thing is, where in gods name do i park?

A noob would just plonk his vehicle in the semi overgrown track leading to the house. That's what noobs do. Thats why noobs get caught.

It was only a half mile or so walk back, i'm hoping its worth it.

This is what it looked like following a catastrophic fire in 1905


Fast forward 116 yrs, and i'm greeted with the front door wide open.

I am not a lover of wide open doors.

  • There is a greater rush getting ones leg over and squeezing through a window
  • Why is the fucking thing open in the first place?

bollocks to it! lets go mooch........quietly

We could be here awhile, this place was massive.

Interlude.(A very small one)

Sooniste Mois was built in the 18th century, and survived in its original form until 1905. When it was reconstructed following the afore mentioned fire.

The manor was owned by Estonian nobility, the von Mohrenschildt family. the last owner of the clan, Hermann Alfred von Mohrenschildt, transferred ownership in 1919, to who knows who.

That's all I could discover on the property. So let us discover whats here today now, in the moment.

I'm stalling, I'm listening, I don't like open doors.

The silence was deafening. Time to get moving. For a change i thought I would start at the top and work my way down.

"Top, Middle, Bottom" as Michael Barrymore would say on Strike it Lucky, or to one of his boys sitting round the swimming pool back in the day.

One long corridor with many rooms to left and right, most empty and bare.

Others? Interesting! from detritus, to a cosy little bed

Looks like somewhere for the kids to hang out

Nice friendly bunch I must say!

Poor old Donald looks fed up, some sort of fire alarm I guess, and back down the stairs at the opposite end of the corridor.

An enigma of calendars, the former was in the main hallway the latter in a side room with the most wonderful archaic telephone exchange system

and a novel in english by cecelia ahern, published in 2009. its probably more of a girlie book than one enjoyed by some hardened drug addled squatter: speaking of which....

across a couple of rooms there was a lot of paraphernalia associated with drugs

Now it seems that these drugs are associated with animal welfare, and not so much with getting wasted.

A selection of magazines, not to my taste, but hmmm on second thoughts

Booze, paint and skin care products, the weird and wonderful treasure of URBEX

I love this typewriter

The keys in Cyrillic script, showing very little signs of age or wear

From what was in the kitchen, perhaps i do the smackheads a disservice, at some point there must have been equestrian lovers in residence

A very strange find indeed, a locked, what looks like a prison cell with four bunks, it was adjacent to the kitchen, perhaps the Master of the House kept the servants locked up when not required to perform.

Not like the otherside of the kitchen, this washroom was small and dark.

After the scorching heat above ground it was a welcome relief to be in such a damp cold environment, in search of the missing croc.

wonderful cathedralesque vaulted ceilings, built for strength and for supporting the load of then house above.

Store rooms this cold to keep the wine and food fresh,

and a place to dump modern day fridges and freezers.

So that was it, back to the heat, no ghosties, no squatters no druggies, time to go

Cheers Alfie baby for having such a nice big place to mooch about in.
