All the fun of the fair. Yerevan. September 22

I got into Yerevan a day early as there were things I wanted to see and do that were not on the itinerary!

Arriving into Yerevan just after 2:00am, hotel, check in, sleep, up at 8:00am breakfast. Walk. It was my intention to visit the Tsitsernakapert Monument, a distance of about just under 5 miles, without deviation.


I love deviation, rules are there to be bent and broken.


Running through Yerevan is the Hrazdan River, which creates a rather large gorge. Quite sensibly called the Hrazdan Gorge. That is where my circuitous route took me.


Shall we scramble down the bank?


Damn right we will.



Fuck me that was hard work, loose rocks, thorn bushes and no defined path, left me sweating like a blind lesbian in a fishmongers shop. Maybe I should have looked for a gate or something.



It was a small park, abandoned? Or just not open today? dunno; given that it was a Saturday????



Does anyone remember Dusty Bin on that annoying 80's quiz show 3-2-1.



Don't look so smug. THAT is not your winkle.



These were clever bits of art, Steel plates cut out to give a 3D impression, the rust giving it an extra touch



Just by these I ended up in a construction site and was given that "where the fuck did he come from look", by a group of hard hatted hi viz wearers.

Ha! giving them my best I come from your dreams, your worst nightmare, smile, I emerged by a gate to a road which eventually got me back in the direction I needed to go.

Deviation rules OK

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