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Snowy street photography-2

Oh, I have already told so much and about everything that so far interesting thoughts are running out. Maybe in the process of writing a post something will be born (as often, by the way, it happens), or maybe I will continue to write all sorts of nonsense in this post. I do not know yet. So that you understand how I composed the text for the post, it will be possible to judge by the words written in it.

Let me try to tell you all the same on the topic, that is, about the first snow that fell.

I have never understood those people who do not like winter. How can you not love winter at all?

I can understand southern people who have lived for many years without snow and cold, and now have to live in different conditions and endure it.

But there are those who hate snow all their conscious life, although this snow has accompanied them all their lives.

It's like hating everything around you all your life: the city in which you live, your apartment, your wife, your car. Nevertheless, it was you who made the choice. Every damn time you make a choice yourself, not someone else for you, but you yourself make a decision!

You did not choose which family to be born in and which city, but when you have the opportunity to consciously choose, then for some reason you make a choice that you later regret. No foresight!

Uh, see how I got carried away? I didn't even think about it at the very beginning of the post.

Although on the other hand, everything is contradictory. In general, I think we have little choice. Almost everything in our life is programmed, and by ourselves.

Sometimes the amount of information makes me uncomfortable. Because I can't always express it in words.

And if I can't, then it’s not time. So it has not yet been digested and assimilated.

Let's go back to those people who don't like snow. After all, if a person does not love something, then he did not know it. And if he knows and does not love, then he will simply be neutral or with understanding to any thing or process.

I grew up among the urban environment and nature at the same time, and for me liked and understood any natural process.

Even before I took pictures, I already loved mud and snow porridge. And also, since childhood, I still like natural disasters. Well, here I am.