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I cannot count the number of times I've passed by this ancient building on my daily route to work but I decided to explore this scenery today.

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This medieval Turkish architecture seems to hold lots of history and tales. Although such history might be lost to time, It is pretty interesting that the structure still lingers on its last thread.

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Walking close by to this structure one can now see the enormous size of the entrance, Although my previous wide-angle shot made it seem as though it's not really tall.

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Taking a closer look at the pillars I could observe some carvings which seem to be the likening of a lion.

Just above this carving, there seems to be a somewhat creepy-looking artistic representation of a man lol... Although I suspect that the intended representation by the artist must have been lost to time and the natural elements...

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Walking into this ancient building there seem to be some remnants of some structures, rocks, and carvings.

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Although, as I walked around these premises I also observed a small room, It seems to be the only dwelling still standing within these ruins.

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I summoned up some courage to enter this gloomy-looking space as a brave hive urban-explorer that I am 😅. I kept thinking what if a rabid animal or a stray dog was taking refuge in there and I was the intruder but lucky for me, it was empty. It smelled like old-wet wood and concrete, I also saw some trash around within it, which led me to believe some people might have been hanging around in there, I knew it couldn't be medival ghosts lol...

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I have no idea what the room was designed for, it could be a cell, a guard-house, or a post...

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Standing within this room made it feel like a Lazarus-tomb lol... but I quickly went outside when I reached the threshold of odor I could manage.

I came all the way to explore these ancient ruins on my bike and I was about to ride home.

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Thanks for reading and following me on this journey :-)


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