Keys To Lasting Love 2 - Respect

I started a short series of keys that can be used to have a lasting love among partners in a relationship and two days ago, I talked on Loyalty as a key to lasting love. You can read the first part Here

I got a few feedbacks in the last one and I'm hoping as time goes on, I'll get more feedback on this series especially with the different topics I'll be talking on. This episode will be on the second key I feel will lead to a lasting love.

So today's talk will be on RESPECT as a key to lasting love


I'll say respect is a foundation for every love story as it brings the love to a level of happiness between the partners.

Even in other aspects, respects has shown to be very important in gaining love from people because when you show respect to your elderly ones for example, you're bound to feel of love from them or even gain their respect too.

Respect is giving an attitude of consideration or high regard to your partner... A way of showing love also.

How do one show respect to his/her partner? This isn't about being eldest like some men would take this to mean, where they expect only the women to show respect to them while they do whatever they like.

We've heard the saying before "Respect is reciprocal" not only among our elders but also in our relationship with our partners. There are ways to show this respect to keep your love alive.

No, it's not about greeting your partner in a respectful way or giving accolades by bowing down or something when he/she gives you a gift or surprises you... But you could do that too though.

A way to show respect is Caring about your partner's wants and needs


So many who have been in a relationship for a long time have failed to know what their partner wants anymore, they are too busy trying to get what they want and forget that their partner has wants and needs too... Such relationships lack respect.

A respectful relationship puts each partner's need into account even before speaking or acting. You should learn to ask him/her what he/she really wants if you're not sure but some partners would know without asking and try to make their partner happy by providing what's possible to provide.

We've heard a few people say "My sweetheart knows what I want" or words like "My babe doesn't like such a thing, I know her likes and dislikes"

These little things you show to people tend to make your partner happy to know that he/she has a place in your heart where you even remember the most little things about him/her.

But I must add that only one person in a relationship can't give the respect that would lead to a lasting love, they both have to reciprocate if they want that relationship to work.

So while the man in a relationship tends to buy her a gown he felt she wants, she should also learn to check out what he needs and get it for him... It's doesn't have to be expensive things and not always about buying stuffs.

Another way to show respect is knowing when your partner wants an alone time or is angry about something, know how to help him/her out without making things worse. Not everyone loves to be disturbed in their alone time... Show some respect to him/her.

There are other ways one can show respect to his/her partner but I'll stop here.

So what's your feedback on RESPECT as a key to lasting love?

Thanks for reading!!!

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