3RD WEDDING ANNIVERSARY | mini vlog with @theycallmedan

3RD WEDDING ANNIVERSARY | mini vlog with @theycallmedan

"I think how we met was crazy amazing, It was beautiful how you let your walls down with me You've been my best friend and a great lover. … It's been a blessing, and I will be forever grateful that you chose me as your wife and mother of your children. I feel honored to build a family with you because you're a very understanding husband and an amazing father." - An excerpt of the new vows.

Hi Hivers!
Dan and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary this week (May 11th), and I planned to make a special day. First, we went out to have lunch at a restaurant we hadn't been to before, and we loved the food! Right after, we walked to the beach right in front of that restaurant, took the selfies you can watch on the video, and went home to check on Ander.

For the second part of our celebration, as we were craving a dessert, we stopped to get a S'MORES waffle, and it was delicious!!! I tried to enjoy it while driving to the restaurant where I had the "serenata" surprise for him. The duet had the D&G playlist with the songs we shared during our relationship. AS you can see, most of them were in English, but there are some I like and I believe make perfect sense, like the one I translated on the video.

I rewrote new vows in advance, the idea was to read them to him while having dinner, but I completely forgot, which works better because I ended up reading them by the beach when we were walking around after the bar we visited.

It's my first time trying to make a vlog. I hope this helps the Hivers in long-term relationships as an idea or inspiration. Keep celebrating love, marriage, and families!
Thank you Mi Vida, for your collaboration! For your help all the time! And your love to me!
Ti amo molto!!!
Gabby Golden, XOXO

Edited on Inshot app, free version.

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