AI Art - A Politically Incorrect Take on Trolls

I thought it might be useful to have an image of "three trolls crouched under a bridge working on computers" to discuss problems that can occur on social media. Such an image might have a place on #memehive

The reason I wanted a picture of trolls was because I understand how easy it is to fall into troll mode.

I like leaving comments on posts. I figure the best comments are those that challenge the writer.

In some cases a slightly provocative (or humorous) post can start an informative conversation and improve the content.

Unfortunately, such posts are ofttn misunderstood and can easily flare up into flame wars.

Over the years I've become extremely careful about tweets and comments as I know how easy it is to take comments in the wrong way.

Anyway, I've been playing with DALL-E and decided that it would be interesting to generate an image of trolls at work.

I was hoping for monster style trolls ... you know the type that live under wooden bridges in fairy tales.

I was really surprised when DALL-E produced a gang of Antifa-type characters hanging out under a freeway bridge.

In my community, progressive push the narrative that men with long hair are open minded and prone to fair play while men with short hair and conservative dress are closed minded, manipulative and suppressive.

I was astonished to see a San Franscisco based company produce a politically incorrect version of trolls.

BTW: I try to avoid judging people by looks. I've known both long-haired-types and clean cut conservatives who turn into trolls when handed a keyboard.

Is AI Politically Incorrect?

Apparently, AI creators have been plagued with the political views of the AIs that they create. China has been investing billions in the creation of AI projects but have delayed the release of products for the pulbic in fear that the AIs might publish views counter to the official narrative.

I doubt that it will take long before AI producers, in both China and the US, to train their creations to follow politically correct narratives.

In the long run, I think the political elite will find AI is better at enforcing narratives than the "50 Cent Armies" that the political class unleashes on the world.

Anyway, I was aghast that ChatGPT produced a politically incorrect version of internet trolls. I thought about modifying the query. Creating an extra image would cost an extra credit.

I admit that I kind of like the fact that the trolls produced from DALL-E look a bit like they just came from Antifa Rally. I still might use this picture.

Posted using MemeHive

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