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MEME Token Has Launched (Got MEME?)

It's finally happening - MEME token is now active. If you have a post that contains a meme you can now get a MEME token reward.

These are the enabled tags for posts to receive MEME: #meme, #memes, #memehive, #hive-104024. Any one of those tags should work.

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A formal whitepaper will be posted when the tribe's official website is up.

For now here are some basic details:

The maximum supply of MEME tokens is 250 million. 25 million already exist at the launch of MEME token.

  • 10 million MEME staked for voting (5 million to @memehive and 5 million MEME delegated to @nomeme4u)
  • 5 million MEME to sell on the market (issued to @memehive)
  • 5 million MEME as a one time payment to founder (@holovision)
  • 4544674.817 MEME for promotion, contests, ect. (issued to nomeme4u)
  • 455325.183 MEME - Legacy hodlers who traded their Steem MEME for Hive MEME during trade-in program.

Some of the ScotBot settings:

A new MEME token is generated for the reward pool roughly once every three seconds.

50/50 split for curators and authors with 10% staked reward.

Don't worry. I didn't set it to 365 day unstaking like I did on "the other blockchain". It's 28 days with four transactions. 7 day undelegation window for MEME.

Questions? Comments? Please reply below. Thanks

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