Wear your shame on your face, they tell you to.

When your belief is nothing more than a dude on tv telling you to do something that may or may not help you, you might be like the cuck below.


Air has no way of moving around the room or space and so it makes senses that you wear somethings over your head to stop the spread....of legs opening, so you sperm will Not move into an egg slowing the spread of stupid people and dumb parents growing dumb children.


For you could always do this with her and him, let them believe that this is for real and they get off thinking it just might be a climax.

Can then you can avoid this day when they want to dress the kids like virtue signal signs on weak and pathetic like they like to do...Too bad they cannot get the social credit cus no one can see their faces through those muzzles.


For they have lost all respect of themselves and yet they think they are virtuous for what they do and yet act like animas all around the place. So sad i cannot see her face.


For it is a slippery slope, nope not her snatch they distract you with, till you are off the cliff wondering why you are so far from the ground of reality that you have to ware sixteen masks again and take another plunge despite having a thought that this might not be good, if not bad for you.


But you still do not like facts, you have no want to know the truth you just want more reality tv shows to program your mind about what is next and best, as you know the price of everything but, do not know the value of it.


Which you likely have not done as you separated yourself from friends, family, those that cared, tried to help, were there, you pushed them all away, and you let them hang there as you watched and did nothing to help them, so now you get to stand there, in a line for your daily boot kick to the face, which you have been told is the best way to get over this curb.


And there seem like there is no hope for most. Time to move along, let them be told to do the song again and again until their days end as they must do what they are told to get out of this mess that the other has put them in....


That about sums it up with those that think that they are harming others by harming themselves and wanting everyone apart of the realm of fantasy they live in. How sad that it just took the tv to tell them to jump, and they did.

Bonus to remember:


Again, nothing is mine, nothing is yours, just remember that you cannot have mine and i cannot have yours because it is neither mine, nor yours to give, it is all about sharing and letting each other give the best they can give to the person who gives the best they can give for the sake of their own reason for giving the best...

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