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Govern Mind Mentaly tired

Here, there is freedom in doing what you want in life. Not listening has been one of the best things i did in my life. Well not entirely true, i listened, understood, asked questions, asked more questions, listened learned, questioned, and then went and did what ever i was going to do anyways, with the things I learned that made sense…..
I probably had a face similar to this guy below, smug glib prick.

Then life comes at you and there is more to it. There are life events you want to take part in yet, there seems to be some system always in place to stop one from progressing.

Not that learning and being safe was important but paying for a license, a car, licensing the car, plates, and license for those plates....most expensive sticker i have ever bought. Oh not to mention the gas tax the road tax and insurance you need to have a car, all which come with a long line of stipulations.....where does this rule book end?

Then you start looking into the way the world works, how extortion and life coupled together for the sake of the system.
How the system is inherent with power and control for the sake of controlling the lowest common denominator of humanity. Laws that govern the lest of the minds is what all are subjected to.

This starts to ware a mind down that wants to live free in harmony with nature and others, not for personal leverage on the system to take and steel, but to contribute and grow.

As this continues and progresses there is such ridiculous things coming our was as a society. They spray the skies with chemicals , Ba,Al, and we are expected to pay for those by way of carbon tax.
They say carbon is bad and i wonder what the trees need to live....carbon.
There is a switch now, the insane train is coming because people have been lulled into humdrummery of a state for all too long.

In times where the law oppress there is only a few options, one of them is...

For if they, you and I keep on this path they are talking about, there might not be much left over.

Better yet les us, the people, build it to what we want. To what we need to stop all this insane amount of death destructions taxing taking those as we all play

the last brick to the bottom game

where everyone is trying to get their own bricks from the pile, thinking that the more one has taken from the tower pile, the better it is for us me and mine....
That game only last for so long…then all release the bricks are useless…until they are dropped off by the local cops for the Panty-ifa rally….

The game destroys the pile that we all have, for use in building the world for us all.
Everyone want the bricks and takes till there is nothing left. Each brick is not useful other than in the group used together.
But we have been told to take and steal, that will behold anything that for our is not the case.
I guess we could use those bricks for the head stones to mark where we lay now that the time is prescient to dismal in so many ways.

The idea that complying with the rules throughout your life, to continue fallowing the rules seems like a life of quiet desperation and in doing so you likely want others to follow along with you and hate when someone else gets ahead by doing what they want....

Perhaps this might be a way to solve the problem of those that want to rule and those that want to be freee....

You might read what i am saying as sad depressing as it all falls off a cliff...however i mean what is above in the most real sense of what it is...

And that is the best part of this all....we have the future and ability to change and make a difference.
In all the small ways

As we spend our days in the streets doing what matters.

We shall soon find that what used to not matter actually does matter. Time is the fire in which we all do not have to burn. But can take the time to learn and grow for a better time together as we throw the brick back into the pile for the rebuilding of community, alongside one another, there is no reason for the government snares.

Noting is mine - all is ours, I share it free for your clicks and words that might change my mind or change yours. If you got something out of this send it along to anyone who might be in need of a hug and a song.