Unpopular opinion


Yesterday when I was coming home from work I imagined that China wiping out the ban hammer would mean some serious discounts on most coins and I was fantasizing on how much Hive I could buy with the HBD I've been stacking. I only buy Hive when I can get an exchange of 3 Hive per HBD or better and the last great opportunity to buy was in June so I was looking forward to some shopping. Unfortunately HBD took almost as much of a hit as Hive, going as low as $0,9 which is pretty bad for a stable coin. I've been telling people for a year now that HBD doesn't like pegging :P

Was also expecting bitcoin to take a big hit but it doesn't seem phased, and it looks like I still have a long wait before I can get it on cheap. On the plus side this might be the foundation for the next bull run which is also long awaited by most people.

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