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Thicc minded


With the increasing complexity of the world and the information overload we are most of the time subjected to I have the impression there are more and more people that like to construct their own reality, that has more to do with how they perceive the world around them than with objective reality. While constantly talking about others being misinformed, they act like they hold the supreme truth and that doesn't seem strange to them at all.

Doesn't matter if we are talking about the shape of the earth, microbiology or epidemiology, both of which have seen a sharp increase in "internet experts" - all of these have more "hidden truths" than you can shake a stick at. I'm almost considering starting my own theory: the brain is actually flat surprise pikachu Yup, there are not ridges on that sucker, it's all misinformation. You heard it here first folks ! :)

I think it's important to keep in mind that arguing on the internet doesn't really change people's minds, because their minds are already made up most of the times, so I find that it's much better to try to find common ground. Be it memes, art or whatever, blockchain and crypto is about having fun with virtual money. We come here to escape reality and have a good time not be reminded of the all the crap that is going on.