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Stable pickings


I'll be perfectly honest and admit that doing serious research on any coin gives me a mixture of anxiety and dread that makes going to my normal day job seem like a walk in the park. I think I would need a special course just to swift through the buzz words, crypto terms nobody has ever heard of and financial babble that makes my last two brain cells scream in agony.

Over the past year or so there has been a lot of shade cast on tether and on other stable coins which also gives me anxiety because I hold a few ks of tether. Besides that, the US looks at them as a direct competitor to it's currency and we all know how our freedom loving friends react when they feel their precious green bills might be threatened.

So I'm kind of caught between a rock and a hard place when it comes to choosing the most headache free stable coin to put my shitposting hard earned gains into. Like I said before I've parked some profits in tether but every time some bad news comes out about it my blood pressure reaches new all time highs. Dai might be a good option but as far as I know it's not controversy free either so I feel a bit stuck. Sure HBD could be an option but besides the fact it can drop below 90 cents in the bear market which freaking defeats the purpose of a stable coin, I also don't want to have all my eggs in the Hive basket.

Feel free to lecture this ignorant pleb about the safest way to keep his profits without the risk of ending up on the bones of his ass.