Putin' problems in their place


I probably said it in the past but clowning around making memes for magic internet monies has helped me cope with real life headaches in a more light hearted way. I naturally have two ways of dealing with the crap life throws my way: either ignore it completely and hope it goes away or dwell on it 24/7 until it makes my head explode. Neither is particularly healthy but clowns are not known to be shinning examples of mental health as far as I'm aware.

Seeing the funny side in any situation certainly helps keep the edge off but I still have a lot to learn in actually applying that philosophy in real life and not just fantasizing about it. Also it helps a bit when you see other buffoons have way bigger problems than you. Like the bear riding, karate kid wanna be that thought real life war is like taking a stroll with your mates in your tanks and wrapping everything up in time for tea and medals. As we all know by now, it didn't pan out like that and I'm starting to feel hopeful again that the world won't go to complete shit, cautiously hopeful might be the right term.

In other news I just found out that the creator of the gif died last week. And in his honor I decided to make a gif today besides the traditional meme. And that "little maneuver " cost me like an hour trying to find a half decent website that allowed me to edit the darn thing the way I wanted.


But it was totally worth if I make at least one pleb laugh, and even more so if I make a whale lol a bit ( hint hint ). This is the gif editing thing-am-a-jig that is by far the best among all the slow and buggy crap I came across.

Gonna steer clear of gifs for the foreseeable future because they always make me feel even dumber than I usually feel, when I can't figure out how to make them behave how I want.

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