Pump problems


It's been almost 4 years in the making, but the time for taking some Hive profits has finally come. I've been saying since Spring began that I won't entertain the idea of selling Hive until it reaches at least $2 and I must say I'm a proud little clown for sticking to my guns ( see what I did there ? :P ). It's rather easy to sell early after waiting for a long time for stuff to happen, especially if you watched Hive scraping the bottom for many months and wonder if this blockchain will actually make it or be relegated to the garbage bin of blockchain history.

But despite all odds Hive is currently kicking ass on several fronts: in market cap, token price, number of daily transactions, strength of the community and many more that would transform this post into a very long list. Of course, it remains to be seen if the recent price ATHs and massive pumps will continue or if things will settle down and Hive will stay the course with it's under the radar journey until it explodes into the mainstream.

Whatever happens it's been a privilege in a way to have a front row seat to a thrilling underdog success story, which has many more chapters to be written. Some of you may wonder how did I sell Hive if there is such a strong emotional investment with this token and blockchain, but you see, this old clown is thinking ahead: some of the profits will be used to buy back Hive when the price will be low again, crypto cycles for the win.

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