Much stable, many peg

A few of my Hive hoarding friends were feeling a bit down these past weeks because HBD was acting kind of boring, and was staying near the $1 peg, you now, like stable coins should. And today they got their wish with a small pump all the way to $1.6. Who said the crypto Gods can't be benevolent as well? when they're not wrecking ignorant plebs out of their hard earned coins of course. But HBD has proven time and again that it isn't a stable coin. No, no, no my friends, HBD is way more that. Let me enlighten you on it's myriad qualities.

First it's an almost inexhaustible meme-ing inspiration: from pegging jokes, to unstable puns, there is always something to poke fun at when HBD comes to mind. Finding inspiration in the crypto space is not always straight forward because there are times when nothing much happens, like in bear markets, but I can count on old HBD to do something silly.

Secondly HBD pumps offers people an opportunity to make money with the arbitrage thingy ( which I don't fully understand but I can't be arsed to go balls deep with the nerdy blockchain stuff for now ). If I had more HBD laying around I would be temped to put it on a DEX and set some sell orders to other stable coins. For example selling 10000 HBD for UST at $1.6 can give you a very nice profit. But as a broke ass pleb I'm content with shoving as much HBD into savings as possible and enjoying the safe and juicy 20% APR.

Thirdly it keeps the plebs for getting bored and doing something stupid like dumping Hive at low prices. Never underestimate what monotony can do to people.

Fourthly it's a great marketing opportunity to get people interested in our little corner of crypto paradise. Too bad Hive is determined to not have a marketing budget so that it will keep flying under the radar instead of being the talk of the town. The only stumbling block with promoting HBD as the stable coin is that, ironically, it's not a true stable coin. I mean how many stable coins do you know that have regular pumps? I'm not sure if a proper name for our not-a-stable-coin even exists. Algorithmic stable coin is not quite accurate because "stable" is a bit debatable when it comes to HBD. I think I would go with "aspirationally-stable-but-feeling-a-bit-wild-coin", yeah quite a mouthful but people around here are into kinky stuff like pegging so I guess swallowing is most likely on the menu mic drop.

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