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More Noise cash shenanigans


Since noise cash has reverted to their initial tipping system where people can distribute free BCH they receive from their fund, it seems to me that people are more active and happy when using the platform. The earnings have certainly increased and I'm not earning jack shit anymore which is always a good thing in crypto because we're here to unpleb ourselves after all.

I started to feel more inspired to fool around due to all the doom and gloom that hang over noise cash having dissipated when people realized that they can earn a few bucks worth of BCH again without having to write infinitely long posts ( Hive I'm looking at you ). Screwing around also helps keep my mind off the fact prices keep falling with no end in sight, so having fun is the best medicine against red markets for me at least.

I wanted to share a bit of the clownery that I'm up to on noise cash because I think most people don't see my silly comments and a lot of lols are never had due to that fact. Losing potential lols is a very grave sin in the Temple of Tomfoolery so I aim to atone for my regrettable mistakes by sharing some screenshots with the kind of buffoonery I'm usually up to in the comment section of some of my friends posts. Fear not, people's names have been covered up, because I don't want anybody to feel they have been put on blasts although I'm not showing anything of compromising nature. However I though it would be a nice gesture all the same.

So here they are: