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Escaping plebdom be like


The other day I was thinking about how much money ( i.e. HBD ) I would be having in savings if I would keep posting at the current rate and nothing would change much. Of course this is a "best case scenario" type of simulation because in crypto land shit can hit the fan real quick and yesterday's calculation might prove totally unrealistic today. That being said I still wanted to see what the final amount would look like. So I found an online interest calculator and set the starting principal to $500 ( I'll soon be having 500 HBD on my alt account ), the interest to 20% and the annual contribution to $200 ( or a little under 4 bucks per week - a realistic expectation for a pleb I would say ). I chose an interest calculator because the APR ones are used for bank loans and stuff and that doesn't apply here.

So after all that being said and done I would end up with the huge sum of ... $3000. Not exactly earth shattering stuff, and nowhere near financial independence but at least I know in what league I would be playing.

So while that 20% APR is super nice and all, I still think that the best use of my HBD long term is to buy Hive on the cheap. That way I might have a chance of not remaining a pleb :)