[ESP-ENG] Maquillaje inspirado en girasoles 🌻|| Sunflower Inspired Makeup || by: @anymakeup

WhatsApp Image 2021-07-26 at 9.19.06 PM.jpeg

Holaaa amigos de makeup power he estado un poco ausente por aqui por cuestiones de estudio , estuve varios dias ocupada haciendo algunas cosas pero tambien cuando tuve algun tiempito aproveche para hacerles maquillajes , hoy quise mostrarles este de girasoles que la verdad me gusto muchisimo, me tome hasta el trabajo de buscar las flores e hice esta corona para que luciese mas lindo el maquillaje. Sin mas que agregar pasemos al paso a paso. Espero que les guste.

Hello makeup power friends I have been a little absent here for study reasons, I was busy for several days doing some things but also when I had some time I took the opportunity to do makeup for them, today I wanted to show you this one with sunflowers that I really liked a lot, I took until the work of looking for the flowers and I made this crown so that the makeup would look more beautiful. Without more to add, let's go to step by step. Hope you like


Paso a paso

Paso a paso

Comienzo siempre lavando mi rostro para eliminar cualquier suciedad, aplico crema y primer, continuo con mis cejas , una vez listas las cejas esta vez empece por la piel ya tenia que hacer un dibujo despues, aplico base, corrector y sello con polvo, tambien agrego un poquito de bronceador en polvo para marcar un poco mas mi rostro

I always start washing my face to remove any dirt, I apply cream and primer, I continue with my eyebrows, once the eyebrows are ready this time I started with the skin and I had to make a drawing later, I apply base, concealer and stamp with powder, I also add a little powder bronzer to mark my face a little more

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Continuo con los ojos, aplico una sombra amarilla clarita y difumino bien, con una toallita humeda limpio la parte donde hare mi cutcrease y limpio con corrector , luego con una sombra amarillo mas brillosa la aplico en esa parte , con un color marron hago unos puntitos pequeños en el rostro y con delineador amarillo y un puntero hago la forma de las flores en toda la zona de la nariz y mejillas , por ultimo aplico pestañas y un labial rosado clarito en el centro y un gloss para que brille. Como ultimo toque aplique sombra amarilla en forma de bronceador ya que me gusta como se ve

I continue with my eyes, I apply a light yellow shadow and blend well, with a wet wipe I clean the part where I will make my cutcrease and clean with concealer, then with a brighter yellow shadow I apply it in that part, with a brown color I make a few dots small on the face and with yellow eyeliner and a pointer I make the shape of the flowers in the entire area of ​​the nose and cheeks, finally I apply eyelashes and a light pink lipstick in the center and a gloss to make it shine. As a last touch apply yellow shadow in the form of bronzer since I like how it looks

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WhatsApp Image 2021-07-26 at 9.37.33 PM (1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-07-26 at 9.37.33 PM (2).jpeg


❤️Gracias por ver mi post , hasta la proxima❤️

❤️Thanks for seeing my post, see you next time❤️

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