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GIVEWAY alive bro hbit lolz luv waiv


Next draw at the end of the post.

hello we are launching a new lottery, but first of all, thank you to the participant of the previous lottery, of which here are the results

Participate :




The next draws will be done in videos.

2 participants will win 5 ALIVE

3 participants will win 1 !LOLZ

1 participant will win a !LUV

1 participant will win 0.005 BRO

1 participant will win 1 !hivebits

1 participant will win 0.1 WAIV


To participate :
voting is a bonus (not mandatory but can improve the lottery)
rebloog is nice ^^


2 participants win 5 ALIVE
3 participants win !LOLZ
1 participants win !hivebits
1 participants win !LUV
1 participants win 0.1 WAIV


PS: You can help improve the lottery, if you wish, by making !REWARDS which will be put into play when possible
Or tokens you don't use to add them to the lottery

***# Examples: ***




-1% of publication earnings are given to @chapelle for Banner.