Marketing Target Persona Challenge :: "The Great Reset Resistor" or "The New World Order Objector" 🔥


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With thanks to @guiltyparties for creating this challenge.

Step 1. Create an example user for Hive.

Name: Panting Deer
('cause she thirsts for inner peace; always questing.)

Lives in: Full embodiment, with giddy awareness of her flesh-suit.
Expat, with strong solar needs. Prefers tropics.

Age: Prime 💋

Education: Auto-didact. Unlearning lots of formal nonsense.

Occupation: Meditation teacher. Devotional music-maker.

Interests: Outfoxing vaccines while keeping her DNA in-tact. Breathing without obstruction. (The nerve!) Writing and speaking without censorship. Living without threat of enslavement, sterilization, genocide, or imprisonment. COGNITIVE LIBERTY. Exploring consciousness, creativity, and apex communities. Using language to delight and surprise.

Step 2. Add a NEEDS section, and outline what problem or difficulty they face.

Panting Deer's content is nuanced, so visibility has been a constant challenge. She's contrary to loud, shallow hype... but markets seem to love that. She needs to connect with other multidimensional souls who have both the capacity and the courage to construct a livable reality, and counter the grotesque one trying to emerge. She's intense, and inconsolable about the encroaching tyranny riding up all over the planet. She hopes to partner with activated visionaries who are ready to forge their sapience and skills, and BECOME the safety they seek.
No more passive waiting. We ARE the rescue team. She can't let that idea go.

Step 3. Add an OPPORTUNITY section, and now answer how Hive can help them solve their problem and achieve their goals.

Can the Hive blockchain support the real-world, right-now need to organize and build digital systems and structures that can counter and evade evil/legislated mechanisms of harmful control?

That is the opportunity this owner seeks.

To help mobilize and catalyze benevolent builders who cherish personal liberty.
To nurture bonds with brave people who take full responsibility for their reality and, as such,
accept that conscious resistance, civil disobedience, and counter-economics are INEVITABLE
in the face of slavery and medical molestation.

We may be decentralized, but we can still draw strength from each other,
and regularly affirm the Divine Spark in each other!

She's got inspiring ideas that could be developed as a Threespeak series, if there was interest:

💭 Blockchain and bliss (freedom from disturbance)
💭 Technology and tenderness (pro-human, don't be a bot)
💭 "Can I Get A Witness?" (spiritual context of that word)
💭 Natural intelligence (appreciation for, versus artificial)
💭 Apex Communities + Super Bonds (ultimate aspirations for Hive)

My closing questions:

❓ Does this ecosystem value innovation that is INTERNAL, not just technical?

❓ Can enthusiasm be garnered to build something ACTUAL, not just simulated?
(Like an interface with @dbroze's Freedom Cells? Or a directory of legal
and medical professionals who are aligned with principles of freedom?
Or elaborate classifieds, like Craigslist?)

❓ Is there any desire to work together to resist atrocious
global agendas that threaten our well-being?

The same self-initiated ethics used in governance... and thoughtfulness used in curation... and imagination used in gaming... and brilliance used in coding and creating... and wisdom used in investing... and faith used in powering up... COULD BE HARMONIOUSLY USED TO FIGHT TYRANNY.

This persona holds space for that as a real-life,
case use of the Hive social blockchain.