Qurator's: Hive Top Chef! | PASTA! by @qurator / Pasta with turmeric and champignons

This competition has two goals, to see awesome recipes and to make everyone drool over them! We are looking forward to see some cool entries this week and we will start of with a rather simple ingredient that can be amazing if done right!. Sponsored by @Qurator

This week's Hive Top Chef Ingredient: PASTA!



1 Kg of noodles
1/2 Kg mushrooms
4 tablespoons of wheat flour
4 tablespoons of powdered milk
1 liter of water
1 tablespoon of turmeric
1 tablespoon of oil
1 onion, or scallion, or garlic
100 grs of pecorino cheese
salt and pepper to taste



In a pot with enough water, soften the pasta until it's just right. Put the water, milk, flour, turmeric, salt and pepper in a blender and beat until mixed. Then in a large pan or pot pour the oil and crystallize the onion along with the mushrooms and add the contents of the blender jar. Heat at first over high heat and in about 8 minutes lower the heat and let it reduce for another 8 minutes or so, until it thickens and becomes creamy. Remove from heat and add about 50 grams of Parmesan cheese

The photos are of my property, taken with my cell LG K-4

I hope you liked my recipe and thank you for visiting me.

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