Photo Quest //Insect macrophotography (Phaneropterinae)

Hello Hivers

Hello all friends, this time I again found a unique cricket when I was about to clean the grass in my backyard, and this post is also an entry for the Photo Quest competition published by @qurator

Phaneropterinae , sickle bush crickets or leaf cicadas , is a subfamily of insects in the family Tettigoniidae Nearly 2,060 species in 85 genera worldwide are known, They are also known as false cicadas or round-headed cicadas

Some time ago I also found this type of animal, but there are several differences between the two animals, the most striking is the color, previously I found a green cricket with some black spots on its legs, and this time the color is more brown mixed with a little red, but has the same spots on the legs, maybe it's an influence of their age

There were two crickets that I found, one of which was still very small and I didn't share it this time, they seemed to be playing together and didn't really care about my arrival

I followed him wherever he went and I was a bit surprised when I saw an animal eating wild flowers, at first I thought that this animal is a meat eater😅

His eyes are a little scary, his eyes are white and big, but that's the uniqueness of this animal

Those are some of the best pictures I have, and for now that's all I can share, thank you and see you soon

Note; all pictures were taken with a smartphone camera and edited with lightrhoom + picsart
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