Some of My Pre-Covid Summer Memories for Qurator's Photo Quest


It is my first participation in the Qurator's Photo Quest. The link to the contest is here. The topic of this week is "Forced Perspective", and I decided to make it clear for myself what the word "perspective" mean. source gives the definition of the word as:

  • a technique of depicting volumes and spatial relationships on a flat surface. Compare aerial perspective, linear perspective.
    a picture employing this technique, especially one in which it is prominent
  • an architect's perspective of a house
  • a visible scene, especially one extending to a distance; vista:
  • a perspective on the main axis of an estate.
  • the state of existing in space before the eye

So, I hope my picture matches the topic of the contest.

I took this photo when the plane was taking off from the airport of Estonia, on my flight to Cyprus. You can see how big the forested area of this northern country is. That summer day was cloudy - very typical for Estonia, but the picture is quite clear.

The pictures below were taken from not so high above - from the balcony of my rented room in Cyprus, on my arrival there, but it was high enough to see the sea in spite of the long distance to it.



Unfortunately, the time when we could travel freely around the world has passed ... Is it irrevocable?

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