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Qurator's Photo Quest | Toys

This is my entry for this week on photo quest carried out by @qurator, with the theme Toys photography.

After a few weeks without being able to participate in the weekly challenge, I was encouraged to participate this week, since I had more time and I liked the challenge.

With the help of my mother and sister, and of course her two cats, boleta and michi, I began to photograph some stuffed animals with the cats.

It was not an easy task, the cats were not for the work of posing together with the stuffed animals, but after some tests, I stayed with these photographs, which seemed to me the ones that looked the best and were more fun.

Although I know that the contest is focused on photography of toys, I thought it was an original and fun idea to photograph the cats with the stuffed animals.

Graphic design and banners created by @lourdeshd6