Qurator's Photo Quest | Monochrome: My Stray Kitty Luna

Good evening, everyone.

We have three stray kitties (Luna, Ginger, and Cataroo) and three adults. So we have six stray cats. They stay on our patio and sleep there. Today, our stay kitties were so noisy, and every time they heard plates or spoons and forks, they ran immediately inside the house. The two stray kitties are wild, and the only one who is friendly is Luna. Luna always asks for food and wants to get into our living room. Sometimes it's annoying because she doesn't want to go outside. Today, she sneaked into our living room window, trying to get on our couch. Before she was able to get in, I put her back on our patio and took her photos. So here are two photos of her, and this is my entry to @qurator's monochrome photo quest.

First photo of Luna

Second photo - I think she is annoyed lol

The camera I used is my mom's Canon EOS.

Thank you for reading, and have a great day to all of you.

(Your 10-year-old friend)

July 17, 2023

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