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Bread with raisins | Hive Top Chef 👨‍🍳

Welcome back friends, today in honor of the contest organized by @qurator called "Hive Top Chef" I want to present you a very simple recipe that my girlfriend and I made a few days ago. It was a while since I took part in this initiative and I am very happy to be back in the race today with this new healthy recipe.

Wholemeal Bread with Raisins


  • 400g of flour (we used wholemeal)
  • 290g of water
  • 8g of fresh brewer's yeast
  • 7g of salt
  • 25g of butter
  • 250g of raisins


The first thing to do is to soak the raisins in a bowl of water for at least 30 minutes.

Now if you have a mixer things will be much simpler, alternatively we are still able to mix the ingredients without any equipment, completely by hand.

Put the flour in a large enough bowl and dissolve the brewer's yeast in the water for the dough.

Now you can begin to mix flour and water slowly and evenly to avoid lumps and have an optimal result.

When the dough begins to form we can add salt and butter, if the butter has just come out of the fridge, I suggest you bring it to room temperature in order to facilitate its melting.

Now continue to mix everything, once compact and smooth you can also move on a larger surface, such as a cutting board, to knead everything better, you will have to use a lot of force and in the end you should get a result similar to this.

Now it's the raisin's turn, remove it from the water and squeeze it well before adding it to the dough, then mix it with it until you get a homogeneous distribution, once done our dough is made and ready for leavening!

Put the dough in a closed and dry container for about 2 hours, thanks to the leavening you should get a dough of about double the initial size.

Once it has risen you will have to try to slightly deflate the dough by spreading it on a large shelf, then by cutting it into three parts we can form a braid or if you want you can also indulge yourself with the shapes that best suit you.

Now we have to let the dough rest for another 60 minutes, preferably in a leavening basket.

After that we can preheat the oven at 200° and bake our homemade bread, let it cook at 200° for about 15 minutes, then slightly lower the oven temperature to about 180° and let it cook for another 50 minutes.

Aaand we are done! now you can enjoy your bread with raisins for a healthy and hearty breakfast.

Enjoy you meal!