Vegan mushroom dumplings with creamy carrot cinnamon sauce


Hello hello!
I haven't posted in about two weeks due to a new job in a vegan restaurant where we were working from thirteen to fifteen hours five days a week and five hours on the sixth day. We were travelling across town for almost and hour on a bus and a train. We lived at my in-laws for several months after traveling and no place to go. It was not comfortable. I like to do cooking posts and it was difficult.

We were determined to find an apartment where we didn't have to take transportation. I joked for a while about getting an apartment across the street. My joke came true. We are sitting on the floor and eating on the floor but we now live across the street from work and I have a kitchen that is the best I have ever had.Tomorrow we will get a kitchen table delivered.

For my first blog in a couple of weeks I will, if I'm not too late, submit a post to #Hivetopchef carrot cinnamon theme.

When I think of carrot and cinnamon I instantly think of desert. Carrot cake precisely. I am not inspired to make deserts generally so I had to find a way to make it savory.
It was something I have never done before except for curries that had cinnamon in them but this time I am isolating the cinnamon and the carrot a bit more.

I made it up as I went along. There would be a carrot sauce starting with cooking carrots in a veggie broth, which later I blended into a cream with soya cream for cooking. I added cinnamon, salt, and pepper. The pepper and cinnamon were nice with the natural sweetness of the carrots. I did add a few drops of agave nectar. The pepper combined with the cinnamon was quite smooth.

I had to have something very savory to have with it so it was going to be dumplings. I bought dumpling wrappers and oyster mushrooms. They were simply cooked with garlic and onion, salt and pepper. there was no need for anything too spicy. This would not be a spicy dish. I am a spice freak but I eat so much spice that I wanted something more smooth.


There was not a lot of fuss making these wrappers, just adding a spoonful of mushroom mix and closing them up. It was quite simple.


When they were done I put them in a pan with a touch of oil, cooked them until they were golden and added a tiny bit of water, covered and cooked them on low heat until they were done.

I had purchased the items in Chinatown. When I was there I noticed the purple potatoes that you can't find everywhere so I to get them. I decided to make a simple mash to add on the side, These potatoes are sweet and pretty so you ca n eat them with your mouth along with your eyes.

What I love about these potatoes are that they are not overly sweet.


I was really happy to have something that wasn't spicy hot for a break. I know people that would say the pepper was too spicy, but for me it was perfect.


Thank you for stopping by!

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